Saturday, October 5, 2019

What is the Eternal Record?

An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars
The towers rise to numberless floors in space
From A-Z
From Alpha to Omega
From Alif to Zay
Everything that has ever happened, and that will ever happen, is written in it.

X Files: Records of X Category.
MTV: M category.
USA: U.S.A category. U
USSR: U.S.S.R. category. U
DNA: D category
Porn is categorized in X, XX and XXX.
WW1, WW2, WW3, … = W category or specifically WW
BBC news: B category
CNN: C Category
CIA = C Category
FBI = F category
A1,A,B,C.. = Good records
..,X,Y,Z= Bad or evil records
Some people call it Akasha records. Some call it Luh Mahfooz. Some call it book of life.
Pharoah, the devil and the antichrist and their followers are of Z category.
There is not a population but We shall destroy it before the Day of Judgment or punish it with a dreadful Penalty: that is written in the (eternal) Record.
Everything in your life is part of the record. Every minute detail. If you spent hours watching CNN, BBC or M-TV, it is part of that record.
every sound bite. every visual. its all data.

What manages these Eternal records or Akashic records?  

"God' and his angels.

Demiurge and his archons.

The Architect and his created programs like those agents.

Whichever way you see it.  

Agent Smith has a 'complete record' of everything Neo has ever done, witnessed, heard. 


  1. kids start at A1. Why? God starts them with good record. I personally moved from A1 slowly to C (for a long time). These days i am going near Z. Was punished in hell too. Thank God i came out.

  2. ADL - A (jewish)
    BDS - B (arabic)

  3. tht is why paranormal and other stuff (that is interesting and juicy) is considered X category. its pulp.

    1. x files are real (that tv show is based on real x files) of this world and many other worlds.

  4. XXX becums +++ becomes 666
    XXX rated in akashic record (X category sublevel x of sublevel x)
    is +++ three criminals crucified (middle one your jesus)
    is 666 the number of the devil.
